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v.check.federal_state - Checks in which German federal state an area of interest is located.


vector, import, federal state, administrative boundaries, open-geodata-germany


v.check.federal_state --help
v.check.federal_state [-g] aoi=name [federal_states=name] [output=name] [federal_state_file=name] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Print the stats in shell script style
Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


aoi=name [required]
Name of input vector map
Area of interest (vector map in GRASS DB) to check federal state for.
Name of input vector map
Federal states as vector map in GRASS DB. Can be generated by running module once with output option.
Name for output vector map of federal state boundaries (if saving desired)
The path for the output file for saving federal states overlapping with the AOI

Table of contents


v.check.federal_state checks in which German federal state an area of interest is located. The vector map aoi (area of interest) has to be given in the GRASS DB. The data for the federal states boundaries are downloaded from the BKG. To speed up the module, the federal state boundaries can als be given as optional input: federal_states. To generate this input the module can be run once with the optinal option output. The returning output-map can then be used as federal_states input in following module runs (See example below). Further the optional option federal_state_file can be set. With this option the printed output (federal state of given polygon) will be written into a file, defined by federal_state_file. If the polygon is not in Germany, no file be generated.


Check federal state for a given polygon in Hamburg, named=poly_HH.

v.check.federal_state aoi=poly_HH

Check federal state for a given polygon in Hamburg and save it in a file

v.check.federal_state aoi=poly_HH federal_state_file=poly_HH_federal_state.txt

Check federal state for a given polygon in Hamburg, named 'poly_HH', and save the federal state boundaries as 'federal_states'.

v.check.federal_state aoi=poly_HH output=federal_states

Save federal states data, to avoid downloading them each time calling v.check.federal_state.

First step: Run module once, to generate federal_states output
v.check.federal_state aoi=poly_HH output=federal_states
Second step: Next time the module can be run by giving federal_states as input (faster, because this avoids downloading data each time running module)
v.check.federal_state aoi=poly_HH federal_states=federal_states




Lina Krisztian, mundialis


Available at: v.check.federal_state source code (history)

Accessed: Tuesday Apr 16 14:29:24 2024

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